Good Food, Healthy Hospitals

HAP-supported initiative to help Pennsylvania hospitals increase offerings of nutritious, locally sourced foods for patients, staff, and visitors. Hospitals are recognized for implementing innovative practices that promote healthy food and beverage options.

Pennsylvania Hospitals: Leading Communities to Better Nutrition

Sixty-three hospitals in Pennsylvania are serving as leaders in their communities by providing healthy, balanced, and locally sourced meals to their patients, visitors, staff, and other community members. This exciting initiative, Good Food, Healthy Hospitals, is administered by The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) and is aimed at improving the health of communities through better nutrition.

63 Pennsylvania hospitals in 27 counties participating

Interactive map

The initiative is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, in partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, through the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hospitals in the initiative pledge to adopt food, beverage, and procurement standards in all areas where food is purchased, served, or sold. The focus on hospital nutrition serves as a model for other community institutions and employers to explore. Learn more about our 2024 Nutrition Security Grant Awardees.

Creating Innovative Solutions to Ensure Good Nutrition

Strategies include purchasing, positioning, pricing, and promotion of healthier choices in patient meals, cafeteria and catering services, and vending. Participants are also adopting innovative solutions to:

  • Address nutrition security and equity through community based collaborations
  • Emphasize locally grown produce through hospital food service operations and integrate local produce into health care
  • Expand options for fresh and healthy food choices
  • Reduce or eliminate high-fat, high-sodium, and high-sugar foods
  • Reduce or eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages and limit artificially sweetened beverages
  • Increase plant-based options and whole grain foods

Person making a salad from healthy food

The initiative's 2024 report provides more information about the program and highlights the hard work of Pennsylvania's participating hospitals.

HAP Contacts

For more information, contact Elizabeth (Beth) Murray, M.Ed., RN, MCHES, HN-BC, readmissions project manager. Media inquiries should be directed to Kim Yakowski, manager, media relations.


HAP News

March 10, 2025

Looking Back: 5-Year Anniversary of COVID-19

This month marks five years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Pennsylvania. Hospital teams throughout the commonwealth stepped up as heroes to care for and protect our communities as they navigated a constantly evolving web of challenges.
