About Membership in HAP

HAP is the leading voice for hospitals and health systems in Pennsylvania. More than 235 hospitals and health system members, as well as other interested health care stakeholders, belong to the association.

Become a HAP Member

Hospitals and health systems in today’s evolving health care environment cannot afford not to belong to Pennsylvania’s leading health care advocacy organization. No other Pennsylvania health care advocacy organization can match the breadth and depth of HAP’s experience, relationships, and track record.

Member Benefits

  • Support from HAP professional staff who will assist hospital leaders and their team with legislative, regulatory, and operational challenges
  • Participation in strategy development and input in crafting the state and federal advocacy and health care policy agenda
  • Communications on critical legislative and regulatory issues at the state and federal levels
  • Opportunities to improve health care quality and safety through education, best practices, and peer-to-peer collaboration as part of the HAP's quality initiatives
  • Access to members-only products and services including
  • :
    • Analysis of health trends
    • Quality and insurance information such as managed care and other health care utilization and payor data
    • Website content, talking points, and advisories on health policy, legislative, and administrative issues
    • Cost-saving programs through endorsed partners
  • Subscriptions to HAP Daily, and HAP Update email publications, which provide information, news, and leadership perspectives about issues impacting Pennsylvania hospitals and health systems
  • High-quality, cost-effective education and networking 

To join HAP, complete and submit the form below. For more information, contact HAP member services at (717) 561-5270.

Become an Associate Member

Associate membership can help you better serve your organization’s clients and customers. HAP keeps associate members abreast of the changing issues facing hospitals and provides opportunities to network with health care leaders. 

Associate member benefits

  • Access to HAP’s online membership directory, which lists up-to-date contact information for hospital leaders
  • Educational session discounts, where you can network with health care leaders and learn the latest trends impacting Pennsylvania hospitals and health systems
  • Subscriptions to HAP Daily and HAP Update email publications, which provide information, news, and leadership perspectives about issues impacting Pennsylvania hospitals and health systems
  • Visibility with members through associate member listings in the membership directory
  • Sponsorship and advertising opportunities for education programs or member publications

To join HAP, complete and submit the form below. For more information, contact HAP’s member services at (717) 561-5270.


Interested in Joining HAP?

Please complete the form below so we can send you the appropriate membership information. (This is the same for both associate and general members.)



  • Phone Number

Our Members

HAP’s core membership includes:

  • Acute care (community and teaching institutions)
  • Non-acute care (chronic, rehabilitation, and psychiatric institutions)
  • Pre-acute and post-acute patient care facilities

HAP also represents associate members:

  • Patient care organizations that are not hospitals, including freestanding nursing homes and extended care facilities, clinics, and home care organizations
  • Professional services firms, associations, insurers, and suppliers to our core members

Am I a Member?

If your employer is a HAP member hospital or health system, you are a HAP member.

To find out if you are a member of HAP, contact HAP member services at (717) 561-5270.

Visit HAP's Resource Center

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