CorrespondenceAccess to CareAffordable Prescription DrugsFederal AdvocacyInsuranceMedicaid Advocacy Correspondence: Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation, Reject Proposals that Threaten Health Care Access Revised 2/18/2025
Fact Sheets and InfographicsAccess to CareAffordable Prescription DrugsBehavioral HealthFederal AdvocacyInsuranceMedicaidMedical LiabilityMedicarePublic HealthRegulatory AdvocacyRural Health CareState AdvocacyWorkforce 2025–2026 State and Federal Access Agenda Revised 1/2/2025
CorrespondenceAccess to CareAffordable Prescription DrugsBilling/TransparencyMedicare Advocacy Correspondence: Comment Letter to U.S. Senate, SUSTAIN 340B Act Revised 4/1/2024
Fact Sheets and InfographicsAffordable Prescription Drugs Fact Sheet: Pennsylvania’s 340B Drug Pricing Program Revised 12/4/2023
CorrespondenceAffordable Prescription DrugsBehavioral HealthBilling/TransparencyFederal AdvocacyMedicare Advocacy Correspondence: HAP Comments to CMS, CMS–1793–P, Medicare Program; Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Revised 9/11/2023