Advocacy Correspondence: PA House Insurance Committee, Support for Legislation to Secure Health Insurance Benefits
March 14, 2025
Members of the House Insurance Committee:
On behalf of more than 235 members statewide, The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) writes today in support of a package of legislation intended to secure, at the state level, important health insurance benefits already included as part of the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), should these benefits be removed at the federal level.
- House Bill 404 (Pashinski) would allow parents to keep adult children on the parent’s health insurance policy until age 26.
- House Bill 535 (Frankel) would prohibit health insurers from imposing lifetime or annual dollar limits on essential health benefits.
- House Bill 618 (Haddock) would prohibit health insurance policies from imposing pre-existing conditions exclusions.
- House Bill 755 (Warren) would require health insurance policies to provide coverage of preventive health care services.
Access to comprehensive health care coverage is essential in maintaining the health of Pennsylvanians and ensuring early detection and treatment of illnesses and health conditions. Taking every step to maintain access and ensure comprehensive benefits is especially critical as health coverage for millions of Pennsylvanians insured through the state’s Medicaid program is in question, and federal tax credits assisting hundreds of thousands in purchasing commercial health insurance coverage through the state’s marketplace are at risk.
Pennsylvania's hospitals and health systems are strong proponents of comprehensive coverage and support policy solutions that make care and coverage more affordable and accessible for all Pennsylvanians. HAP respectfully asks for “yes” vote on the package of legislation to be considered in the House Insurance Committee on Monday, March 17.
Please contact me or Sarah Lawver, HAP’s senior director state advocacy with any questions.
Arielle Chortanoff
Vice President, State Advocacy
Topics: Health Care Reform, State Advocacy
Revision Date: 3/14/2025
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