HAP member hospitals are working from the following principles of person and family engagement (PFE) in order to make the patient the center of the health care team:
- Viewing individuals using health care services as equal partners in the planning, development, and monitoring of care to meet their specific needs
- Putting patients and their families at the center of decisions and seeing them as experts, working alongside professionals to get the best health outcomes
- Empowering the patient through education, enhancing awareness, and support needed to make informed decisions and actively participate in care
- Coordinating care and communication among members of the health care team across all health care settings
HAP is an industry leader on the topic of patient-centered care, having developed the nation’s first hospital association-sponsored Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) in 2013.
Comprised of patients, family members, community leaders, and health care providers, the council works with Pennsylvania hospitals to make health care patient-centered.
Pennsylvania hospitals and health systems work in collaboration to network, learn, and problem solve by the sharing of tools, resources, and best practice strategies. Pennsylvania hospitals have the opportunity to work with HAP in operationalizing five specific PFE best practices, with individual coaching and targeted assistance, as well as guidance from the HAP PFAC and a dedicated project manager. HAP assists hospitals to close performance gaps while improving patient satisfaction scores and quality and safety outcomes.

HAP Contacts
Hospitals wishing to know more about how person-centered care can improve patient satisfaction, reduce readmissions, and improve HCAHPS scores, or those wishing to become a part of the HAP PFAC, may contact Janette Bisbee, MSN, RN-BC, CPXP, NHA, HAP project manager. Media inquiries should be directed to Kim Yakowski, manager, media relations.