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White House Launches Plan to End Gender-Based Violence

May 26, 2023

The White House this week launched a first-of-its-kind national plan to address intimate partner violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault.

The plan, announced Thursday, “advances an unprecedented and comprehensive approach” that seeks to use resources across the federal government to address and ultimately end gender-based violence (GBV), federal officials said.

“GBV is a public safety and public health crisis, affecting urban, suburban, rural, and tribal communities in the United States,” the report notes. “It is experienced by individuals of all backgrounds and can occur across the life course.”

The plan sets seven core pillars that serve as focus points to end gender-based violence:

  • Prevention:  “Effective prevention requires recognizing and addressing risk factors that may contribute to the likelihood that a person will perpetrate or experience GBV, such as adverse childhood experiences, harmful social and gender norms, and economic insecurity,” the report notes.
  • Support, Healing, Safety, Safety, and Well-being:  Trauma-informed responses are essential to ensure survivors are not retraumatized during care, causing additional harm.
  • Economic security and housing stability:  Economic, food, and housing insecurities can exacerbate an individual’s vulnerability to violence.
  • Online safety:  Technology can spur online harassment and abuse. A recent survey indicated that one in three women under 35 reported being sexually harassed online.
  • Legal and justice systems:  Effective legal and justice systems provide accountability for perpetrators and ensure survivors have pathways to safety, services, healing, and well-being.
  • Emergency preparedness and crisis response:  Vulnerable groups are at greater risk for harm during and after emergencies, such as natural disasters and public health crises.
  • Research and data:  Strong research is a central component to guide strategies to reduce and end gender-based violence.

“Today, addressing GBV is an important part of our nation’s social consciousness and public policy priorities,” the report notes.

In the U.S., the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) provides a 24-hour, toll-free hotline that can be reached at (800) 799-7233.

The national plan is available to review online.

