HAP's Latest News

Telehealth Bill Becomes Law

July 16, 2024

The nearly a decade-long push by HAP and Pennsylvania hospitals to ensure payment for telehealth services has reached the finish line.

  • What happened:  The General Assembly passed and Governor Josh Shapiro signed telehealth legislation that has been a longtime priority for HAP and the hospital community. HAP worked closely with legislative and administration leaders to find consensus and move the bill forward.
  • What is means for hospitals:  The legislation defines reimbursement requirements for telehealth services and ensures payment cannot be denied simply because care is provided via telehealth.
  • Quotable: In a statement, HAP President and CEO Nicole Stallings said: “Telehealth helps meet patients where they are, increasing access to routine and preventative care to improve health outcomes. It also extends the reach of providers at a time when the commonwealth’s growing need for care is outpacing the professionals available to deliver it.”
