HAP's Latest News

HAP Board Sets Vision for Future

July 23, 2024

HAP's Board of Directors met virtually last week to discuss our strategic plan, the workforce, and other key health care priorities. Here are a few of the key topics from the July meeting.

2024–2026 Strategic Plan:  The board approved a new three-year strategic plan with updated mission and vision statements and new goals and strategies to elevate HAP’s work supporting hospitals in improving care for all Pennsylvanians. A formal launch is planned for later this year but a sneak peak at the approved framework is available online.

Quality Care Assessment (QCA) Changes:  Federal rule changes require Pennsylvania to adjust the methodology for QCA-funded state directed payments for 2025. HAP, guided by the Committee on Public Payor Policy, is working with the Department of Human Services to ensure the program continues to deliver needed support to hospitals.

Expanding Workforce Supports:  The board discussed new opportunities HAP has identified to expand the way it supports members’ workforce needs beyond advocacy for legislative and regulatory priorities. In addition to being an advocate, HAP is a connector between hospitals and workforce development and education partners and a resource to hospitals and policymakers that provides data and forums for sharing best practices.

The board also heard from Pennsylvania Attorney General candidates Eugene DePasquale (see questionnaire response) and Dave Sunday (see questionnaire response), discussed HAP’s engagement in the upcoming election, and talked through the status of state legislative priorities following the flurry of activity leading up to the state budget.
