HAP Blog

HAP Board Zeroes in on Advocacy

October 14, 2024

HAP's Board of Directors met in Philadelphia last week to discuss new initiatives to bolster HAP’s advocacy for you. Here are a few of the key topics from the October meeting.

Medicaid Rates:  The 2023 Quality Care Assessment reauthorization increased the net annual benefit to hospitals by $642 million with a shift to the average commercial rate. Despite this infusion, Medicaid payments still fall well below the cost of providing care. The board discussed ongoing work to deploy new data, storytelling, and strategies to educate the public and policymakers about hospitals’ financial reality and advocate for support you need.

Medical Liability:  The 2022 venue rule change, a growing number of “nuclear verdicts,” particularly in Philadelphia, and other challenges, have set Pennsylvania on course for a medical liability crisis akin to what the commonwealth experienced two decades ago. The board discussed strategies to advance needed reforms in today’s difficult political environment.

Maternal Health:  Last year, the board identified maternal health as a priority area of focus and empaneled a member Task Force on Maternal and Child Health. Last week, the board reviewed the task force’s recommendations for what hospitals, HAP, and policymakers can to do improve maternal health access, quality, and equity, which will be presented in a public report. We know maternal health is a priority for state and federal policymakers and the hospital community's leadership can help drive policy discussions.

The board also examined the evolving hospital landscape—both within Pennsylvania and nationally—and began work to identify strategic priorities that align with HAP’s 2025–2027 Strategic Plan and the needs you identified via HAP’s biennial member survey.

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