HAP Blog

November 12, 2020

We All Play a Role in Our Cybersecurity

This year has brought tremendous challenges to how we live, so that we can do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19; we are increasingly relying on a virtual world to complete everyday activities. 

September 15, 2020

What Does ‘All-hazards’ Planning Mean?

I’ve worked in emergency management in the Southeastern region of Pennsylvania for a long time. I feel like I’ve seen it all and planned for it all. Emergency managers develop plans for events through an approach we call, “All-Hazards Planning.” 

September 01, 2020

Ideal Leadership during the Emergency Management Preparedness Phase

I’ve worked with some great leaders during my tenure, and many of the best ones have adopted a transformational style of leadership. Their examples are the ones that I have used most often as I strive to be an effective leader in my own work in the emergency management community.

July 30, 2020

Key Areas of Emergency Preparedness—Are You Ready?

For close to ten years, The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) has embraced an emergency management (EM) program, supporting organizations across the commonwealth before, during, and after crisis. 
